Oaklawn Cemetery

Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States


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Oaklawn Cemetery is the oldest existing cemetery in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It occupies 20 acres of ground and is bounded on the north by 8th street, on the east by Peoria Ave., on the south by 11th Street and on the west by Midland Valley Railroad right-of-way which now is part of an interdispersal highway loop. On December 18, 1905, Oaklawn was approved as the official city cemetery by the City of Tulsa. When Tulsa took this cemetery over in 1906, there were 387 existing graves. A large number of these did not have markers. Some of the bodies now buried at Oaklawn were removed from a burial ground on West 2nd Street in Tulsa which was Tulsa's first burial ground and is now partially occupied by the BOK Center and various streets. The Oaklawn cemetery contains the graves of some of the most prominent of the early settlers. Joe Star, a Civil War veteran buried in 1878, is reported to occupy the oldest known grave in Oaklawn. However, there is no existing Star headstone. A large section of the Oaklawn cemetery known as “Potters’ Field” was set aside for the city’s poor and generally has very few headstones. Due to age, weather, and vandalism, every year many grave markers are disappearing or becoming unreadable in Oaklawn. So there are hundreds if not thousands of unmarked graves or readable tombstones. As of February 2015, we have photographed and transcribed every tombstone and grave marker in the cemetery except for one small crypt. The cemetery still has new burials in an existing family plot.
Oaklawn Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States